
This article was written by Noriko based on a news video.

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Level : Upper Intermediate and above









Let's Talk

  1. 学生時代と大人になってからの友達の作り方にどのような違いを感じますか。
  2. 自然な出会いが減る中で、どのような方法で新しい友達が作れると思いますか。
  3. あなたは「友活」していますか。
  4. 「お友達認定」という言葉についてどう思いますか。。
  5. もし自分が「友活」アプリを使うとしたら、どんな機能や条件を重視しますか。

Title: "Making Friends as an Adult: How to Find Genuine Connections?"

In this video, we explore the concept of "friend-making activities," or "Tomokatsu," which becomes particularly challenging as we grow older. Many people face this dilemma—why is it so hard to make friends as an adult?

Why Making Friends Is Harder As an Adult

According to the survey mentioned in the video, about 70% of people feel that there's a difference in how friendships are formed during school years versus adulthood. During our school days, classes and clubs naturally brought people together. As adults, however, these natural gatherings diminish, and unless we take proactive steps, opportunities to meet new people become scarce. Differences in income can also create barriers in values, further complicating friendship. Moreover, the prevalence of superficial interactions leaves many wondering whether genuine connections can truly be formed. In Japan, there have been cases of multi-level marketing schemes and scams masquerading as friendship activities, highlighting the need for safe social interactions.

Safe "Tomokatsu" Recommendations

A recommended solution is participating in events via apps tailored to match personal interests, where conversations naturally flow and participants can feel secure. The video also introduces the term "friendship certification." This is not just about asking "Will you be my friend?" but rather "Can I consider us friends?"—a way to confirm mutual feelings and build deeper connections beyond mere pleasantries. The term "certification" implies a recognized, validated relationship, not just a superficial one.


While making friends might get harder as we age, with the right tools and approach, finding friends with whom you can share honest conversations is still achievable. However, it also requires taking personal initiative to reach out and engage.

Japanese with Noriko

A fully qualified Japanese teacher and also the creator of the Japanese podcast, LEARN JAPANESE WITH NORIKO.


落とし物の数、“過去最多”を記録 あなたが「落とした物」は?

