12. 3月17日は祝日






祝日(しゅくじつ)- holiday

祝う(いわう)- celebrate

アイルランド系(けい)- Irish descent

守護聖人(しゅごせいじん)- patron saint

深い(ふかい)- deep

影響を与える(えいきょうをあたえる) - have an influence on

人物(じんぶつ)- figure, personage

コロナ禍(か)- Pandemic 

随分昔(ずいぶんむかし)- a very long time ago

撮影(さつえい)- photographing

大賑わい(おおにぎわい)- lively bustle, hustle and bustle

緑(みどり)- green 

絶好の(ぜっこう) - perfect

愛される(あいされる) - be loved

Let’s Talk

  • みなさんの住んでいる国でどんな祝日がありますか。

  • 一番好きな祝日はなんですか。

  • ユニークなみなさんの国だけの祝日がありますか。

In Northern Ireland where I live, March 17th is a holiday. That's right, both schools and companies are closed!

St. Patrick's Day is a Northern Irish holiday celebrated annually on March 17th, and it is celebrated around the world by Irish and Irish-descended people.

St. Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland and a figure who also had a significant impact on Northern Ireland in the UK. As a result, parades and music events are held on this day. During the pandemic, there were no parades or events, but this year there will be a parade in Belfast. 

Please take a look at this photo. It is an old photo, and I was much younger in it. We took this photo on St. Patrick's Day at a famous Irish pub in Belfast. The pubs are very crowded, and you can see many people wearing green clothes.

Lastly, St. Patrick's Day in Northern Ireland is a great day to experience Irish culture, and it is one of the beloved holidays around the world. It is a unique experience, and I also love this holiday.

Japanese with Noriko

A fully qualified Japanese teacher and also the creator of the Japanese podcast, LEARN JAPANESE WITH NORIKO.



