





冷え性(ひえしょう)sensitivity to cold

重ね着(かさねぎ) layering (clothing)

落ち込む(おちこむ)to feel down

とけるto melt

翌日(よくじつ)next day

雪景色(ゆきげしき) snowy landscape

すがすがしい refreshing

慣れる(なれる)to get used to


Let’s Talk

  1. 冬と夏、どっちが好きですか。どうしてですか。

  2. みなさんの冬の楽しみ方をシェアしてください。

  3. ウィンタースポーツをしたことがありますか。どんなウィンタースポーツが好きですか。

Do you like winter? I have a sensitivity to cold, so I don't like winter when my hands and feet get cold. So I always wear UNIQLO's HEATTECH and layer up. There is another reason why I don't like winter. I live in Northern Ireland, where it rains a lot in winter. When it rains, I get depressed because I can't go for my walks.

Well, the other day it snowed here. Where I live in Belfast, we rarely get a lot of snow and it melts quickly. But the snow that fell the other day was still there the next day. So I took a walk in the park where the snow was still there. The snowy scenery was beautiful and I felt refreshed.

Do you like snow? I am not from a snowy country, so I am not used to living with snow. 2 years ago, when it snowed in Belfast, I was so happy that I made a big snowman. I made it with my husband, who is from Peru and it was the first time for him to make a snowman.

Winter is also a great time for winter sports. Skiing, snowboarding, ice skating.... I used to ski when I was young. But skiing requires going to the mountains and the equipment is expensive, so I'm not really interested in it now.

I think the best way to relax in winter is to stay indoors with a hot drink. What are your favourite ways to enjoy winter?


Japanese with Noriko

A fully qualified Japanese teacher and also the creator of the Japanese podcast, LEARN JAPANESE WITH NORIKO.




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