
These are revised by Noriko with the aim of enabling Japanese learners to read interesting news articles and discuss their content.

Level: Intermediate and above





This year, the ranking of names for children born has been announced. According to the results compiled by Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance, names for boys that evoke images of the sea or sky are popular. The top name is "Aoi," which means a blue gemstone. For girls, names like "Yui" that suggest connections with people are common. The top name is "Himari," combining the sun and a plant. Additionally, global names like "Haruto" and "Emma," as well as gender-neutral names, are gaining popularity. Looking at past naming trends, it's clear that popular names have changed over time. For example, during the Taisho and early Showa eras, names incorporating the era's name were common. The meanings of names also shifted during and after wartime. Thus, names reflect the society and culture of their times, encapsulating people's hopes and thoughts through history.

The original article by 日テレNews



  1. 最近の「子どもの名前」の傾向にはどのような特徴があると思いますか。

  2. 「グローバル」や「ジェンダーレス」という特徴を持つ名前が人気を集める理由は何だと思いますか。

  3. Originalの記事から、日本で男の子と女の子で人気のある名前の例を挙げてください。

  4. 名前の選び方が時代を反映している点について、皆さんはどう思いますか。

  5. みなさんは自分の名前が好きですか。誰につけてもらいましたか。名前に意味がありますか。

Japanese with Noriko

A fully qualified Japanese teacher and also the creator of the Japanese podcast, LEARN JAPANESE WITH NORIKO.

