
These are revised by Noriko with the aim of enabling Japanese learners to read interesting news articles and discuss their content.

Level : Upper Intermediate and above








According to the "Love and Marriage Survey 2023" conducted by Recruit Bridal Research Institute, among 1200 unmarried individuals in their 20s, about 30% of women and nearly half of the men reported having no dating experience. This ratio has significantly increased since the survey conducted in 2021, with a particularly noticeable rise among men.

The increase is attributed to several factors, including reduced opportunities for meeting people due to the impact of COVID-19, a fear of engaging in romantic relationships, and a desire to avoid conflicts within communities. Surprisingly, there's also a growing sentiment among young people that if they are to engage in romantic relationships, it should be with marriage in mind.

The survey also revealed an increasing trend among individuals in their 20s to only date someone with marriage potential, with about 44% of women holding this view.

Among people in their 30s, there's an increasing belief that romantic relationships are a waste of time and money. This practical approach to love is especially gaining ground among women in their 30s, with a significant surge in those who see no intrinsic goal in dating but rather seek tangible benefits or outcomes from relationships. This suggests a shift towards valuing time and cost efficiency even in romantic endeavors.

When asked about their future marriage plans, more than half of the unmarried men and women aged between 20 and 40 expressed no desire to marry or were unsure. The main reasons cited were financial constraints for men and the fear of losing freedom for women.

Professor Masahiro Yamada, a family sociology expert, analyzes that Japan is gradually becoming a "society where marriage is unnecessary," meaning people can live happily without being married. However, he notes that Japan's transition to a marriage-optional society similar to those in Western countries might take some time. In Japan, marriage still holds significant value, and living a secure life without marrying is considered challenging.

This survey highlights a significant shift in Japanese attitudes towards love and marriage, indicating a move towards a society where individuals prioritize choosing the best life path for themselves, aiming for a secure and joyful existence.

The original article by 日テレNews



  1. 20代の男女の中で「交際経験なし」と答えた割合はどのくらいですか。

  2. 交際経験がない人が増えている主な理由は何ですか。

  3. 30代の男女の間で「恋愛は時間とお金の無駄」と考える人が増えている理由は何ですか。

  4. 結婚に対する20代から40代の未婚の男女の意見にはどのような傾向がありますか。

  5. 経済的な理由で結婚をためらう人が多いという事実について、国や自治体はどのような対策や支援をしたほうがいいと思いますか。

  6. 今後、日本の家族構造や社会がどのように変化していくと考えられますか。また、その変化はいいことだと思いますか。

Japanese with Noriko

A fully qualified Japanese teacher and also the creator of the Japanese podcast, LEARN JAPANESE WITH NORIKO.



