
These are revised by Noriko with the aim of enabling Japanese learners to read interesting news articles and discuss their content.

Level : Upper Intermediate and above





  1. 日本人は年間で1人あたり平均何個のたまごを消費しているでしょうか?

  2. 今年最も人気のあるたまご料理は何でしたか?

  3. 「エッグショック」とは何を指している言葉でしょうか?

  4. あなたの好きなたまご料理はなんですか。

  5. 目玉焼きになにをかけて食べますか。

In Japan, eggs are extremely popular, with each citizen consuming an average of 339 eggs annually. This ranks Japan second in the world for egg consumption, highlighting the country's strong fondness for eggs. Particularly popular egg dishes include fried eggs, boiled eggs, fried rice, omelets, and oyakodon. Among these, fried eggs stand out as the most popular egg dish for five consecutive years, thanks to their simplicity and convenience. Many Japanese people enjoy fried eggs with soy sauce, primarily served with rice. This combination is especially favored for its compatibility with rice.

However, there are concerns regarding egg prices. Recently, an outbreak of bird flu was confirmed at a poultry farm in Ibaraki Prefecture, which could potentially affect egg prices. Indeed, the impact of bird flu has previously led to the highest wholesale egg prices ever recorded, causing a significant price increase referred to as the "Egg Shock." Should the bird flu spread further this season, egg prices are expected to rise further, posing a significant burden for consumers.

Thus, eggs, an indispensable ingredient for the Japanese, play a significant role in their daily dietary habits.

The original article by 日テレNews


Japanese with Noriko

A fully qualified Japanese teacher and also the creator of the Japanese podcast, LEARN JAPANESE WITH NORIKO.



