
These are revised by Noriko with the aim of enabling Japanese learners to read interesting news articles and discuss their content.

Level : Upper Intermediate and above






The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has announced a new "Sleep Guide." This is the first revision in ten years, aimed at emphasizing the importance of sleep and educating about the proper duration of sleep. The revision was necessary due to the deterioration in the sleep quality of Japanese people in recent years.

Surveys indicate an increase in the number of people not getting enough rest. Furthermore, the average sleep duration of Japanese people is shorter than the global average. Short sleep durations are associated with increased risks of obesity and heart disease.

The guide recommends sleep durations of "9-12 hours" for elementary school students, "8-10 hours" for junior and senior high school students, and "more than 6 hours" for adults. It also advises older adults to avoid overly long sleep durations.

To achieve good quality sleep, "sleep restfulness" is essential. This refers to the feeling of having slept well upon waking. To secure quality sleep, it is important to maintain an appropriate bedroom temperature, relax, and expose oneself to sunlight during the day.

However, using smartphones before bed, consuming too much caffeine, and trying to sleep when not tired should be avoided. These can impair sleep quality. Proper sleep management is crucial, as sleep is very important.

The original article by 日テレNews



  1. 厚生労働省が「睡眠ガイド」を更新した主な理由は何ですか?

  2. 日本人の平均睡眠時間と世界平均の睡眠時間との違いは何ですか?

  3. 睡眠不足がもたらす健康リスクにはどのようなものがありますか?

  4. 小学生、中高生、成人、高齢者それぞれに推奨される睡眠時間は何時間ですか?

  5. 「睡眠休養感」を高めるために役立つ3つのアクションは何ですか?

  6. 質の高い睡眠を得るために避けるべき3つの習慣は何ですか?

  7. 睡眠の質 vs. 量: 睡眠の質と量、どちらがより重要だと思いますか?また、それぞれを改善するためにはどのようなアプローチが有効だと考えますか?

Japanese with Noriko

A fully qualified Japanese teacher and also the creator of the Japanese podcast, LEARN JAPANESE WITH NORIKO.



