





  • 印象(いんしょう): impression

  • 一般的(いっぱんてき): general, common

  • 思いやり(おもいやり): consideration, thoughtfulness

  • 細かい(こまかい): detailed, precise

  • 気配り(きくばり): consideration

  • 搭乗(とうじょう): boarding

  • 預け荷物(あずけにもつ): checked baggage

  • サプライズ: surprise

  • 当たり前(あたりまえ): natural, usual

  • 感動する(かんどうする): to be moved, to be touched

  • 細やかな(こまやかな): delicate, meticulous

  • 心遣い(こころづかい): consideration, thoughtfulness

Let’s Talk.

  1. 日本人のイメージとしてどのような印象を持っていますか?

  2. 日本を旅行した際に、日本人の思いやりや心遣いを感じた経験はありますか?その体験について話してください。

What is your impression of Japanese people? When you hear the term "Japanese," what kind of image comes to mind?

Generally, Japanese people are said to be considerate, kind, and friendly. Additionally, Japan's customer service is said to be excellent, with Japanese people known for their meticulous attention to detail. What do you think?

On December 25, 2022, I boarded a domestic flight on JAL from my hometown's Okayama Airport to Haneda Airport with my spouse. We checked in three large suitcases as checked baggage. At the time, the suitcases had Christmas-themed tags attached to them, with handwritten Christmas messages from JAL staff at Okayama Airport on each tag.

We were deeply moved by this surprise and it warmed our hearts. While it may be commonplace as a customer service practice, Writing messages by hand is a laborious task that requires a lot of effort.vWe felt that this kind of meticulous attention to detail is a characteristic of Japanese people.

In Japan, small acts of consideration and attention to detail are considered standard in society. Have you also had similar experiences in Japan?

Japanese with Noriko

A fully qualified Japanese teacher and also the creator of the Japanese podcast, LEARN JAPANESE WITH NORIKO.



